Setup AI Chatbot
Now that you have successfully selected a plan, we can configure the AI Chatbot.
Last updated
Now that you have successfully selected a plan, we can configure the AI Chatbot.
Last updated
Completed App Installation: Install on Shopify.
Visit the Settings page of our app located in the left-hand sidebar in your Shopify Admin.
We're now in the General tab of the Settings page. Right here you are able to change the branding and functions of your chatbot.
Functions are core functionalities of the chatbot e.g.: Fetching real-time delivery information once the user asks for it.
Fill in the fields under Branding to change the chatbot's appearance to your brand's style.
Name: This will be the name of your personal chatbot. This is Soof by default, but you can change it here.
Primary and Secondary color are used to set your brand colors. Use these to change the chat window's appearance.
Now select the functions you would like to use for your chatbot under Functions.
Some functions might require an integration to operate. These will not be available when the corresponding integration is not correctly setup.
Learn more about setting up integrations here:
Now that we've configured the General settings we can go to the next step!
Click on the Knowledge tab at the top of the Settings page.
We're now in the Knowledge tab of the Settings page. Right here you can add specific knowledge that the chatbot can use in it's AI generated answers.
It's recommended to fill in most fields so the chatbot can answer to more questions.
Fill in the fields at Products
Product Category: This will be your main category of products that you sell. So for example: Vitamins or Smartphone-cases.
Popular Products: Select your most popular products here. Or just use this field to boost certain products you would like to sell more. If a customer get's shown around by the chatbot, it will come with popular products to inform.
Fill in the fields at Shipping
At the shipping fields you are able to give information about your pricing rules, delivery countries and more. Use this to inform customer's with your policies.
Fill in the fields at Payments
Make sure to list all payment providers your allow on your store here. These can be shared with the customer if they ask for it.
Good job! Your chatbot is now fully functional on your Shopify Store.